Layout and movement within the software is not nearly as refined in my opinion. Image editing from shot to shot is not nearly as smooth and functional as Lightroom in my opinion. In these scenarios using Olympus Viewer 3 software may be just fine. And for those situations…why use lightroom? Or why use the manufacturer’s software. A lot of people just use one system though. Having a workflow program that could handle different camera files and not require me to use different software for each was amazing. I have shot with gear from Panasonic, Nikon, Pentax, and Sony as well. I also own, or have owned gear from Canon, Fuji, Olympus, Leica, Phase One, and Hasselblad. Especially since I work in the commercial photography world, I occasionally have to shoot with gear different from my main setup.

I have always shot with various brands of cameras. By version 4 lightroom had really sorted out well into a very strong workflow system with solid raw development. I criticized it heavily up until version 3 or 4. Lightroom has been around for quite a while. As always, make your decision for you, to ensure you are getting the results you want. My color preferences may be quite different than yours. My workflow may be quite different than yours. I want to share some images and let you decide for yourself what is right for you. Then again, using a workflow or program that can’t deliver is just as bad. Nobody wants to sacrifice quality by using a software that can’t deliver.

I get a lot of questions about Lightroom and even more about Olympus Viewer 3.